From: Aaron Anderson I do not have an unlimited budget (who does?) so i’ve decided the best thing for me to do is to build a world-class (in theory) 2track …
Converting A/D and D/A for Classical Music
From: Barton Michael Chiate Subject: Re: Question My comments are: Bob, Thanks for all your articles. Great stuff!! Required reading for my students. I have a question. Maybe you can …
Converters and Low Analog Input Levels?
I’m wondering why many high end stereo A/D’s have relatively low analog input levels. Most pro consoles and gear are clipping at >24 dBu. However take a look at some …
Analog Tape, can I reuse it?
From: Bill Hobson Thanks for all the great information. Your website actually got me started recording on wide track analog tape (16 track 2 inch) after first using ‘bad …
Analog versus Digital. Observations from an ex-Dolby engineer on the Debate
Subject: RE: Back to Analog Bob:Great article. If I may, I’d like to add my understanding of the problem. Linear PCM is at it’s best with full-scale signals. PCM achieves …
Aural Enhancers on the Mix Bus?
From: Greg Bates My comments are: Your articles are phenomenal! Maybe sometime you could comment on the use of aural enhancers, I use one as the final link between …
MP3 Compression : How does it work?
From: Dave McLain Bob, You are the man when it comes to audio. I was just wondering how the MP3 compression scheme works. I’ve tried it out on my …
Baking Old Master Tapes
From: Mark Schiffelbein My comments are: Although I have read many articles in the past about baking old master tapes, I never need to use the technique up …
Balanced and Unbalanced Interfacing
From: Allen Minor I just purchased a Sony wireless microphone system. I have a Sony DCR-TRV900 digital video camcorder. The system includes a WRT-805A body pack transmitter with ECM-44BMP microphone, …